Okay, so there's not much on this site at the moment but the band's not even finished yet so you can't really be expecting in depth articles can you?!?! As soon as we have all our members, this site will improve dramatically, I promise, but before then, there's not much we can tell you. Don't forget to sign up for the mailing list so you know what's going on and feel free to leave us helpful comments in the guest book. |
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Buzz is the most recent Steps tribute band around. It's so new in fact, that we don't even have all our members yet. We have 2 great girls already but we need 2 boys and another girl to make Buzz complete. So, we want YOU to join. Yes, you!!! Unless you got to this site by mistake, you obviously like Steps and so you're half way there to being eligible for the band! We're looking for 2 boys and 1 girl between the ages of 15 and 18 with an ability to sing and dance and a love of Steps to join our Steps tribute band. We can't promise fame and fortune, but we can promise lots of fun with fellow Steps lovers, so if this sounds like you and you're interested, all you have to do is email me at; buzzonline@my-record-box.co.uk and tell me your vital statistics, i.e. name, age, where you live etc. and I'll get back to you with more details. It's as simple as that!!! Even if you're just curious, email me anyway and I'll tell you all the things you need to know. You are not commiting to anything just by inquiring. Well what are you waiting for? Get emailing!!! The deadline has been moved back to September so you've got loads fo time left!! Oh and don't worry, you don't have to look or even sound like Steps. The only requirement is that you love them!!! |  | 