Buzz History This is where we tell you a bit about how Buzz started and why. I got the idea at a new year fancy dress party. We were all watching Steps videos and dancing around when one of my friends said jokingly, "We should start a Steps tribute band!" which got me thinking, why not? So the next day, I rang my best friend, the other member of Buzz and told her I had this really good idea that would be loads of fun and Buzz was born!! Except it wasn't called Buzz then, it didn't have a name, but as we talked about it more and more, it became the obvious choice as Buzz is both the name of a Steps album and song and what you get from performing if you're doing it right!! But it's still only a working name, if you have any better ideas, tell us!!
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A different class of tribute band... It's true, we are a tribute band with a difference. We don't look like Steps and we don't sound like Steps but we are just as good as Steps. We figured that there is not one person in the whole world who looks the same as any member of Steps so why try to look like them?! Sure, you can have the same hair and do your best impersonation of them but you're never going to actually be them so why not be individual? We realise this and so it doesn't matter if you have the wrong colour hair or aren't as tall or whatever 'cos we still want you in the band!!! |